Do You Read Online Humor Blogs?

I so much appreciate online humor when I find it, that I really need to tell you about my latest discovery: The Junk Drawer | Humor for the Masses, a blog run by Kathy, who defines the thing she’s doing there like this: What’s in The Drawer? Here you’ll find...

Shit Doesn’t Happen. Shit Is The Rule.

You know, and you probably use sometimes the saying “shit happens”. Generally speaking, this is true: we all have our bad luck days from time to time, which we get over, thinking of all good things that happen to us. Have you ever had a glimpse of thought...

Mummified Dinosaur Discovered In North Dakota

Mummified dinosaurs are very rare. We are one mummified dinosaur richer, since those workers in North Dakota discovered it in 2004. Of course the thing was baptised Dakota (since we baptise hurricanes and storms, why shouldn’t we give names to mummies), and it...