Do You Read Online Humor Blogs?

I so much appreciate online humor when I find it, that I really need to tell you about my latest discovery: The Junk Drawer | Humor for the Masses, a blog run by Kathy, who defines the thing she’s doing there like this: What’s in The Drawer? Here you’ll find...

The Ode Of The Optimist Blogger

Did you hear the latest news? 1. Problogger is organizing a $54000 birthday bash celebration 2. The latest challenge is to write an ode to problogger 3. I’m an undiscovered poet. This is the ode I wrote for this latest challenge, not necessarily for the iPod...

Lawyers, Laughter And A $300 Prize Challenge

A successful lawyer parks his brand new Lexus in front of his office. While he attempts to get out of the car, a truck passes by in high speed and smashes the car’s door. The lawyer calls 911 immediately, and within 5 minutes the police appears. Before the...