Chill Out in The Ice Hotel at Balea Lac

Starting last year, every winter, a special hotel is built at Balea Lac, in Romania. What’s so special about it? It is built entirely from ice: walls, corridors, pillars, decorations, everything is made of ice, including the beds. Yet, the temperature inside is about...

10 ways to lose traffic

Everybody strives to gain traffic for their sites, the faster, the better, if possible overnight. Every beginner blogger dreams of the day when his blog will reach a million users per month or per day or per minute or per second or per split second or… You know...

How to cook great cauliflower

I hear many people saying that cauliflower has no taste, regardless the way you cook it. Well, I strongly disagree with this. I’m a big fan of cauliflower and I’m sure those guys don’t know how to cook it. Properly cooked, it is a delicious course. I’ll...