Welcome to All Tips and Tricks

This is the place where tips and tricks from around the world are gathered in the alltipsandtricks collection. Here you can find pieces of advice or funny stories from many domains. In order to ease the search, posts are grouped in relevant categories. Computer geeks...

How to cook great cauliflower

I hear many people saying that cauliflower has no taste, regardless the way you cook it. Well, I strongly disagree with this. I’m a big fan of cauliflower and I’m sure those guys don’t know how to cook it. Properly cooked, it is a delicious course. I’ll...

Stereograms and eyesight improvement

It happens from various reasons, that our vision gets bad. Once we notice that, the first thing that comes to our mind is to go to see a doctor, for an eye examination and maybe for eyeglasses. Some of us might consider surgery as an option. The problem is that...