Nobody Should Be Fat And Miserable

Holidays! What a pleasant word! This is music to my ears. But it also means extra kilos on my tummy. It is funny how many people (and how many times) declare in January that they are going to lose weight over the next year. They rush and spend lots of money on weight...

Human Needs: The Thirst For Destruction

I remember, when I was a child, I saw a group of boys torturing a cat. They seemed to have a great fun, while the poor kitten was thrown away from one of them to the other, hitting everything in its way (like bottles, walls, boxes…). Some other time, I saw two...

Where To Poster Yourself Creatively

It is unbelievable what people can do to themselves online these days. Chances are that either last Christmas, or the one before, you came across a funny Flash application called Elf Yourself, which allowed you to “lend” your face to a little, amusing,...

Smile in Your Sleep

Smile in your sleep is surely a positive thing to do. Sleep and dreams are also part of our lives, and many times, memories we got from dreams are as real as those of experiences we’ve actually lived for real. While sleeping, we can have all sorts of feelings...