by wp_update-1716481042 | Aug 9, 2007 | General
What do you do about your compulsions? Do you supress them, or do you let them flow and feel better, while driving crazy all people around you? Well, if you don’t do anything, there are people who study them closely, trying to understand and to fulfill human...
by wp_update-1716481042 | Jul 15, 2007 | Lifestyle
Did you think that the most expensive bottled water was to be found in desert areas? So did I, until I discovered Bling H2o, which is nothing but water, packed in plastic or glass reusable bottles decorated with Swarowski cristals. Priced between $20 and $550...
by wp_update-1716481042 | Jul 6, 2007 | General
The world is in continuous change. The means of communication are in continuous change. The climate is changing. Even the 7 Wonders of the World are going to be updated in less than 12 hours. The Seven Ancient Wonders of the World were all man-made monuments, selected...
by wp_update-1716481042 | May 11, 2007 | Tech & Internet
Have you ever been looking for free website templates? If you have a blog, all chances are you did. Did you know that the dummy text Lorem Ipsum is not only a random association of Latin words, but it has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC,...
by wp_update-1716481042 | Apr 25, 2007 | Home & Garden, Lifestyle
Wouldn’t it be nice that some big items we use, become very small when we don’t need them? What do you think about the monument in the first photo here? You believed it’s some kind of modern art. You were correct, it’s the art of living...