Do You Wanna PuchiPuchi With Me Tonight?

What do you do about your compulsions? Do you supress them, or do you let them flow and feel better, while driving crazy all people around you? Well, if you don’t do anything, there are people who study them closely, trying to understand and to fulfill human...

Why Bloggers Are Like Children (?)

Children play. So what? Not only children play. Bloggers also play, and their favorite game are tagging, or blog memes. From Parenting Tips For Busy Families, here comes an invitation to follow a new tag: you have to share your best blogging tip, add it to the list...

The Outcome Of Not Playing By The Rules

I don’t know why I like group writing projects. I know why I like this one I’m going to contribute to right now: What Is Your First Rule Of Writing? I like it because it is hosted by the newly launched Clean Cut Blog, the younger “brother” of...