Curiously Awesome Gifts

It’s Christmas time again, so we start thinking at our beloved ones, at possible gifts that they’d like. This year I’ve started looking for gifts earlier than ever. Maybe that’s because of the online shops I’m currently running....

Do You Read Online Humor Blogs?

I so much appreciate online humor when I find it, that I really need to tell you about my latest discovery: The Junk Drawer | Humor for the Masses, a blog run by Kathy, who defines the thing she’s doing there like this: What’s in The Drawer? Here you’ll find...

Web Hosting Rating Site

One of the biggest issues of webmasters is to find a reliable Website Host. Most of us want it also to be as cheap as possible. It is normal, when you just want to have your thoughts and ramblings published online, you don’t want to spend too much money for your...