WordPress Plugins For More Interactivity

Wouldn’t it be nice to be possible to display messages for your readers, customized according to the way they landed on your blog? Like this one, for people referred here by Google: Welcome google.com user If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to...

How to migrate permalinks and preserve rankings

When it comes to making money from your blog, you’ll realize that organic traffic converts best, in terms of contextual advertising. This makes sense, if we think that SERPs are seen by people who are looking for a solution to an issue they have. As you may...

How to remove ads from a single post only

Do you have a blog full of contextual advertising? Do you get some income from its archives? If your answer is yes, then you might to know how to remove the ads from only one single post. This is very useful if you write something that has a good potential of getting...

Easy way to make a Top Posts page for your blog

More and more blogs are displaying a top posts page. This is very useful for new readers, as they might not have enough time to browse through the archives of an old blog recently discovered. When AllTipsAndTricks celebrated 5 months old, I wrote a “best posts”...