by wp_update-1716481042 | Sep 2, 2006 | Marketing, Money & Career, Tech & Internet
One of the common issues when blogging for a living is finding potential niches. There are lots of best keywords finding tools, some of them free, some others with money. One of the free tools is the free Adsense keywords bid value query, developed by two SEO...
by wp_update-1716481042 | Sep 1, 2006 | Communication, Marketing, Personal Development
Delivering good presentations can be easy if you follow several rules. However, if your product or service is not of good quality, no presentation in the world can sell it. Maybe people would buy it once but they would never repeat purchase. The other way around, if...
by wp_update-1716481042 | Aug 31, 2006 | Marketing, Tech & Internet
I wrote in a previous post about the importance of social bookmarking sites and how they add a significant number of page views to a site. It is true, but now, after one month of more research, I discovered that search engines are not at all to be disregarded when...
by wp_update-1716481042 | Aug 26, 2006 | Marketing, Tech & Internet
Wondering around on the net, I just discovered a new service provided by Google Labs. It is called Google Trends and it compares searches on different topics at your choice, over time, back from the beginning of 2004. It also displays a split by geographic regions....
by wp_update-1716481042 | Aug 18, 2006 | Communication, Marketing
I saw a lot of threads on forums about how to write good advertising copy. I’m happy to see that people realize the importance of the ad content, that they don’t count only on quantity, on the budget spent on showing the ads. This is true, with the same budget you can...