Why Active People Age Slower

I’m sure you’ve noticed that 10 hours of vacation pass much quicker than one hour of work, despite the fact that you know exactly that one hour is shorter than 10 hours, as measured by the clock. But who cares about clocks, when everything we can perceive...

Does Anybody Read Romance Novels Anymore?

Romance Novels were my favorites some years ago. I used to read a lot, and many times I found myself reading late at night, until dawn. It is true that this happened before the birth of Internet, when people had more time and were more willing to read hard copy books....

Happiness In 7 Simple Tricks

What is happiness? The Holy Grail of humankind since Neanderthal. The Fata Morgana we can never catch (or can we?). Happiness is one of the things we never get enough of, no matter how much we have and no matter what definition we give it. I never heard anybody...

How I Turned Down The Job Of My Dreams

Did you ever picture what the ideal job means for you? How would it be to do all day long something you enjoy, and get paid for it? While I was working in advertising, my colleagues and I thought many times how lucky we were to be paid to play and have fun. Creating...