Perforated Metal: A Modern Look

Some of my latest passions are architecture and building materials. That happens because I’m seriously thinking of building my own house and moving from the apartment I’m currently living in, which is quite small and crowded. I’m not 100% convinced...

Mon Cher Las Vegas

Did you think the title Mon Cher Las Vegas was just a metaphor? Not a chance. I’ve never been to La Vegas, so I cannot say anything about the city. However, I’ve just found out that Cher, the famous singer, is coming to Las Vegas. This time, it is not for...

Do You Know How To Draw Anime?

Anime, or manga cartoons are nice. Despite the fact that so many people use and abuse them, a bunch of original anime characters can make a blog memorable. Of course, your readers could use some content around your characters. But how to draw anime when you cannot...

Turtles And Rhythm In Web Design

Thinking about web design, most bloggers would just imagine all sites in shapes of blogs. I was very surprised today, when a client asked me to make an entry billboard for his website. OK, he quit the idea after I explained that the billboard would just put one more...