Last Updated on April 20, 2020
I remember, when I was a child, I saw a group of boys torturing a cat. They seemed to have a great fun, while the poor kitten was thrown away from one of them to the other, hitting everything in its way (like bottles, walls, boxes…). Some other time, I saw two kids trying to kill a rat with stones. I see modern cartoons and computer games, and I can’t believe my eyes: people like destruction and blood on the walls.
This is like a wish of those who cannot create, to destroy creation, to destroy everything that stands out in front of their eyes. Why else, some lousy hackers destroyed my work and hacked my business website? Why did some other lousy hackers ruin the work of other nice people, by hacking BloggingZoom? Why would somebody take pride in destroying what we created? We invested energy, time and money in putting up and running those online businesses, only to see everything blown away by a stupid sleepless kid who wants to amaze his buddies?
I ‘m so pissed off that I almost lost my wish to put my site up again. I hope the BloggingZoom guys were not so demotivated, and that they will be back on track soon. At least Court hopes so, and I wish him success. I don’t know if writing about such idiots helps anybody, but maybe Court is right and our spreading the word will raise an alarm signal.
Later update: I didn’t want to say anything bad about competitors who may feel threatened and react in such a manner, but I cannot stop myself thinking that my site was hacked only when I finally managed to get on the first search engine results page for some keywords which defined my business, and Blogging Zoom was growing up exponentially, becoming a threat to other online businesses.
What do you think? Idiot kids or evil competitors? Â
I’m very sorry to hear that. I’ve just find out. I really like BloggingZoom.
Its really difficult to say who or both. Its like your peer taking away all the credits . Sad is all I can say and best is be alert as much as possible because at the end people would say just one thing, You should have taken care of yourself.
Strange but thats what is life
Yes, it is sad. If I think that I didn’t like my website and I wanted to change it anyway, I could look at it as a motivator to do it. But the Blogging Zoom team didn’t need all this hassle.
I’m afraid I’m missing on something here. I’ve visited BloggingZoom in past once in awhile, but never used it myself. Just checked it, and looks like it’s up online, still alive and kicking. So what was the connection between your site and BloggingZoom?
No connection, it’s just that both of them have been hacked.
I saw Blogging Zoom is up again, and with a brand new look, which makes me doubt a bit that hacking story.
I’m sorry to disappoint you here, I don’t see anything wrong in killing a rat because they are far too troublesome for my liking. But I wonder what good hackers derive by their actions, human nature is wicked let’s face it.
Hey Soli, you don’t disappoint me. Yes, rats are troublesome, but a bunch of 5 years old kids were far too young to know that, and they killed it without even blinking.