by wp_update-1716481042 | Aug 1, 2006 | Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, Personal Development
I hear many people talking about our public enemy no 1. The war for some of them, corruption for others, age for many of them. What about our private enemy? Could it be fear? I think so. What do we fear? If we were to make a list of fears, it would look like this:...
by wp_update-1716481042 | Jul 31, 2006 | Health & Fitness
When I used to smoke, I never believed the non-smokers telling me that my apartment stinks. It could not be true, since I did not feel any bad odor. Now, at one year after quitting, I can tell you that it is true, smokers rooms have a bad smell. And I’m not even...
by wp_update-1716481042 | Jul 26, 2006 | Health & Fitness, Lifestyle
Sleep disorders are more frequent that you’d think. Many of you know how frustrating is not being able to fall asleep. Gazing at the alarm clock every half hour, turning around and counting sheep to get rid of the naughty thoughts that would keep you awake… And...