How to buy a new mobile phone

Every now and then, we need to change our mobile phone. Either the old one is damaged and the cost for repairing it is too high, or it is morally used, or the new mobile phones generation offers features we strongly want to have. What we should do after we decide to...

10 car rental tips and tricks

Why would anybody need car rental? Simply, there are occasions in which you cannot take your car. Rental is then the best solution, which gives you the freedom and comfort you are used to. Going on vacation does not necessarily mean you have to travel with your own...

Get on top with Google Image Labeler

Google labs extends its offer with a new beta service: Google image labeler, meant to improve the image search results. If you want to try it, you’ll be shown an image, which you need to tag with as many labels as possible, within a given period of time. A random...