What Drives Your Blog?

I don’t know how many of you read Denis Jones’ daily thoughts. I do, and I’m happy I discovered his site. Today’s thought is entitled “Who is in charge here?” and it is about the locus of control. The locus of control is a concept...

A New Kind Of Currency: MMORPG Gold

Do you know what MMORPG stands for? It’s the acronym for Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games. I was a big fan of such games, and I still am, but I cannot find any spare time to play, now that I’m my own boss (so I cannot play during work time,...

To Make Or Not To Make Blogging Mistakes?

What would you call a blogging mistake? I suppose you have a whole list of “to do not” things, which you try hard to avoid when it comes to blogging. Maybe a blogging mistake is that action which takes your blog to a lower level, or which does not raise it...