Quick Tip For Online Learning Addicts

Distance learning programs were available long before Internet was born. I remember a friend of mine, taking marketing courses by correspondence: she got the materials by snail mail, she did her homeworks, sent them to that university, and finally got a diploma. It...

Just Links. Worth Reading.

Link love is a common practice on many blogs. I’ve never used it until now, at least not in this shape. I used to link out only to articles that were either relevant for my story, or helpful in making my point. In this Halloween night, which I’m not...

Who Needs Tutorials? Do I Hear Everybody?

Is there any of you who did not search the web for tutorials at least once in a lifetime? If there is, maybe you should start now. With patience and a bit of search logic, you can find a free web tutorial pretty much about everything. Following up the Tutorials Group...