Last Updated on April 20, 2020

More and more people seek alternative treatments for their ailments. Scientists are trying to keep pace with this trend, so we can find now clinics and hospitals which combine allopath medicine with non-conventional methods of diagnosis and therapy.
Such a clinic is Spezialklinik Neukirchen, in Germany, founded by dr. John Ionescu, well-known allergologist and dermatologist.
Spezialklinik Neukirchen is a clinic for acute diseases for the treatment of allergies, striking and environmental illnesses on the basis a holistic cortisone-free therapy concept.
The diagnosis process is very complex, and the clinic includes a series of laboratories:

Environmental analytic laboratory

In the environmental analytic department the concentrations of different organic pollutants (pesticides, wood preservatives, alcohols) in the blood, in the urine, in the sweat and even in the mother’s milk are determined with special procedures (gas chromatography and mass spectrometry).

With the heavy metal investigations after mobilisations tests, with an atomic absorption spectrometry method, urine and chair samples are burned at 2000 degrees Celsius and evaluated. In this way, heavy metal loads are also determined.

Immunology / Allergology

The Immunology / Allergology laboratory uses the most modern techniques to identify IgE and IgG specific anti-bodies. Here important investigations of the cellular immune status and a complex examination of allergic reactions to 60 allergens can be performed.

In addition standardized skin tests are accomplished, covering over 500 allergens.
Furthermore, Lymphocytes transformation tests (LTT) for determining cellular sensitization in the immune system e.g. against heavy metals from dental works are available.

Clinical chemistry

The department for clinical chemistry offers an investigation package of 28 different enzymes, metabolites, trace elements and electrolytes, which are determined fully automated using small serum samples.
Another clinical-chemical investigation is the neuro hormone measurement, which determines the presence of stress hormones in the blood plasma.

Here it can be determined e.g. whether with children a genuine dopamine-dependent hyperactivity is present or whether it concerns educate-conditioned remarkableness.

Further the determination of the fatty acid profile in the blood cells or food can be determined. Among other things, the deficits in omega 3 -, 6 and 9-nonsaturated fatty acids can be determined and compensated individually.

Haematology, free radicals and redox measurements

The Haematology laboratory is furnished with two modern Coulters Electronics Blutmessgeraeten, which make a fully automated investigation of complete blood pictures with the help of the laser technology. Here the analyses take place both for the stationary and ambulatory patients with maximum speed (1 minute/blood profile).

Also blood gas analyses (acid base equilibrium) make possible free radicals and redox potential measurements in the blood. Thus e.g. the effects of each fruit juice or medicine on the reaction spectrum of each patient can be measured. The free radical and redox potential measurement can indicate both the oxidative load and the anti-oxidative capacity of the blood.


The micro-biological department has a firm place during the routine investigation of the microbial settlement of the skin, the mucous membranes and the intestine.

Besides inoculation and identification procedures, also the examination of sensitivity in relation to numerous antibiotics and mushrooms can be done. The results are of great importance for the acute restaurant therapy and for the proper intestine reorganization.

Further diagnostic procedures

In addition with complex clinical conditions of an unclear cause the function diagnostics are used, such as:

– Ultrasonic diagnostics
– Doppler investigations
– Lung function diagnostics
– Electrocardiogram
– Sleep laboratory
– Computer regularization thermography.

If you want to know more, you can reach Spezialklinik Neukirchen at:

– telephone 09947/28102
– fax 09947/28109
– E-Mail

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