Last Updated on April 20, 2020

Passiflora is one of the most beautiful flowers I know. It is quite difficult to grow inside, because it is an exterior plant and it belongs to a warmer climate.

More than one month is necessary for a button to turn into a flower, and the flowers last only for one single day. Have you ever skipped going to work for one day, in order to see your Passiflora blooming? I surely did it, and not once. It was definitely worth postponing everything only to see how the initial “explosion” makes the green counterpetals tear apart, then how the delicate white petals struggle to extend, one by one, revealing the marvellous interior, until all those little purple fingers form a perfect circle.

The perfume is incredibly nice and gentle, you have to smell it from a few inches in order to be able to feel it.

This is my Passiflora. Enjoy! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you. Thank you for being my readers.


