Last Updated on April 20, 2020

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What is App-o-Rama
App-O-Rama is the process of making money by following these two steps:
1. Apply for a massive number of credit cards at the same time. In this way, you’ll have money at your disposal in new 0% credit lines.
2. Invest this free money in a high yield savings account. This will bring you additional money coming from the interest you get for such an account. Not mentioning the countless bonus offers, free plane tickets, gift cards, frequent flier miles and even more cash back.
How Will You Get All Those Credit Cards?
You need to be very fast when applying for the credit cards, because each application will likely lead to a temporary credit score reduction, which will limit your ability to be approved for new credit cards or lines. So you have to send out all applications in the same day, immediately one after the other, in order for your credit score to remain the same within the approval time frame.
App-o-Rama offers you some tools to start with: credit cards, savings accounts and credit tools, as well as a lot of tips and tricks to make it more profitable for you, in case you decide to try it.
What Are The Risks Of App-o-Rama
App-o-Rama can be riskless, but you have to carefully choose risk-free investments. A good discipline and attention to detail are required. Beware at minimum monthly payments which may be required in the terms and conditions of the credit cards. Make yourself a chart with the 0% interest expiry dates, so you avoid paying 15%-20% interest on the amounts you may forget to repay. Closely monitor your credit score, in order to know when it recovers enough, allowing you either to take another App-o-Rama, or to take some other kind of loan, or buying a house or a car.
If you think you’ll need an additional loan in the next year, App-o-Rama is not suitable for you, because your credit score won’t be so good within this time frame.
For any additional information, you can take a look at App-o-Rama website, which is well organized, offering clear information about a lot of cards and savings accounts.