Last Updated on April 20, 2020

As I got positive feedback on my other posts regarding productivity using computer software (Windows XP and Microsoft Excel), I am now continuing the series with a collection of Microsoft Word shortcuts which are saving me much time when writing. Why to delete one letter at a time, when you can delete a whole word using the same amount of commands? Why to scroll or to press PageDown I don’t know how many times, when you can go at the end of your document with one single command? I know that in the beginning it will look harder to remember those shortcuts than to use the common way, but I challenge you to try this for at least 1 week, then write me about how you feel. I guarantee you that you’ll be amazed by the quantity of work you’ll be able to do working as many hours as you used to.
I’m sure that these are not the only available shortcuts, I probably missed some of them, and I’d be happy if anyone who knows some more shared them here with us.


Shift + F3 = toggles between Caps and small letters (works on current word or on selection)
Ctrl + E = align center (current paragraph)
Ctrl + R = align right
Ctrl + L = align left
Ctrl + J = justify
Ctrl + P = print
Ctrl + K = insert hyperlink
Ctrl + F = find
Ctrl + G = replace
Ctrl + [ = decrease font size (applied on a selection)
Ctrl + ] = in­­crease font size
Ctrl + Backspace = delete word at the left of current position
Ctrl + Del = delete word at the right of current position
Ctrl + right arrow = moves cursor one word at a time towards right
Ctrl + left arrow = moves cursor one word at a time towards left
Ctrl + Home = go to beginning of document
Ctrl + End = go to end of document
Ctrl + F2 = Print Preview
Ctrl + F4 = Close file
Ctrl + F10 = toggles between full screen and normal view of the current window
Ctrl + F12 = open file